Thursday, July 10, 2008

What is your biggest health/fitness vice?

I've been tagged by Johnny at Fat Guy in a Little Coat!

My biggest health/fitness vice... well, same as Johnny, it doesn't include drinking, smoking, or drugs. I drink occasionally and at most no more than 2 drinks. I don't enjoy getting drunk and I don't think I ever really did... I smoked a pack's worth of cigarettes with a friend over the course of a summer when I was 18. Never again. It was a dirty (smelly) habit and I was happy to give it up. Drugs? Well, I never had an interest and was fortunate enough to find friends who thought the same. We figured we were weird enough without the drugs.

That leaves me with the following:

1. Priorities. I wrote a post about it not too long ago here. What it all boils down to is that I don't make working out, eating well, and taking care of myself a priority - well, I haven't before and even just a couple of weeks ago when I was working on my candidacy. I stress out and lose sight of everything and I end up with tunnel vision on the exam, thesis, or whatever is coming up or needs to be done and I forget, I mean ignore, that I was trying to lose weight to begin with. Eating becomes whatever I can find that is most convenient, which of course means fast food most of the time. Workouts... well, they become non-existent since I tell myself I have no time.

I'm still working on it. Right now, I almost have to force myself to go workout sometimes, like last night. I was all set to watch "So you think you can dance?" and saw the clock and the fact that the gym closes at 10 pm. The show is over at 10 pm. Fortunately, I have tivo and I ended up recording the show, going to work out at 8:30 pm, made it back by 9:45 pm, walked the dogs, and got comfortable on the couch to watch the show (without commercials!!). Did it hurt not to watch it live? Of course not, but it took a little convincing on my part to not want to be lazy and just watch tv.

2. Snacking. Even during the easiest of times I can get sidetracked. I tend to snack at night. I don't know if it's the random tv shows or the fact that I'm being lazy, but I start wanting whatever I have in my fridge. Unless I have exactly what I want, I end up eating whatever else I have in the fridge. I may have had the best eating day in the world... but I can and often do ruin it at night. I tend to want mostly bread and cheese, and occasionally chips and dip. I've also figured out there is a bigger likelihood of snacking if I stay up past 10 pm.

I've found ways to fight it off, even if it's only sometimes.

I try not to keep junk in the apartment - no sodas (I've only had ONE coke since I quit caffeine!) and limited chips, dip, etc. Doesn't always help, but it's a start.

Since I know that I snack at night, I like working out at night. I work up a sweat, I'm doing something I should be doing, and by the time I get home, I'm usually not hungry or in the mood to eat.

Also, I try to go to bed early. Early bedtimes are awesome because I usually end up reading a couple of chapters in my book (currently: The Gunslinger by Stephen King - awesome!!!) and of course, I find that I have an easier time waking up and I'm not as tired during the day.

Now... let me see who's read my blog... (checking comments) Okay, 5 different people - wow! I feel popular ;)

Since Johnny tagged me - I can't tag him back, right? So, that leaves the other 4 people who have commented on a post:


Supple Mama



If you haven't been tagged, and you feel you want to post a response, leave me a comment and I'll check it out! (and feel better that more than 5 people read this blog)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


duly noted you caint tag back.

me? Im sucky at playing along :)

my vice is movie popcorn.

here's hoping I get it together to post and TAG :)
