Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's Wednesday!

How is this week going by so quickly?

Monday night's workout was great.  I stayed on the treadmill for an hour including 5 min for warm up and cool down.  I love the heart rate monitors on the treadmills at the gym.  I've been trying to stay within the cardio range, but I don't really know much about that... I'll do some research and get back to you.  What I've been trying to do is warm up for 5 min walking at an easy pace.  Then I run/jog for a minute and then walk at a decent pace for a minute or two or three.  If I don't feel okay enough, I just walk some more.  I'm trying to get back into running - I used to be able to run a 12 minute mile - not great but if felt really good.  Now, I want to go back to that and some.  I want to get down to at least a 10 minute mile and I eventually want to run a 5K.

I do want to start doing weights again as well.  I burn more calories with cardio, but I need to lift weights so that I burn more calories throughout the day, right?  Well, I know you need both, but I'll probably look into it more.  I think I'll do cardio this week, but I'll start doing weights as well next week - when I don't have to worry about my candidacy anymore! Last night, I worked out again. :)

2 night workouts in a row?  Get out!  I'm enjoying them actually.  Yesterday's workout went about the same as Monday, alternating running and walking.  I got out of work, went home to eat dinner and walk/play with the dogs.  Then I came back to lab to work on my candidacy.  Since I'd brought my workout clothes with me (yay!) I went to the gym on my way home from lab.  I just need to get into the habit of making this workout thing a priority.  It was definitely easier to go to the gym last night, since I had already gone on Monday.  However, the closer I get to my candidacy defense date (Monday, June 30th) the more I start thinking of how I might need to weasel out of workouts.  Let see how the week goes...

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